Friday, February 7, 2014

Weather Forecast 2/7/14

Today marked the 17!!!! day in a row where Eau Claire, WI encountered temperatures below ZERO degrees.  I know this sounds like whining but with the added wind chill and having to walk across that damn BRIDGE!  What makes it worse is when browsing the internet headlines from southern news outlets constantly play-up the school closures and poor driving of southern folk in snow.  And that's when it is 20 degrees ABOVE zero and there's only one to two inches of snow on the ground.  Now I will make an exception for Atlanta a couple weeks ago due to the fact that there was an inch of ice on the ground and not just snow.  Otherwise, I would compare the southern populations' fear of snow and cold weather to the people Tokyo's fear of large green monsters rising out of the pacific ocean.  In other non related news, here is a picture of the weather Dallas experienced yesterday afternoon... doesn't seem like a lot of snow but I really don't think those cowboys could handle more than 2 inches.
Current surface analysis shows large high pressure systems across much of the midwest, eastern sea board, and behind several lower pressure systems in the west/northwest.
Current winds show mild speeds across the high pressure systems.  Out west, winds look to be exceeding speeds of 30mph, pushing storms further into the northern half of California.  
Current Wind chill temperatures shows us right around zero degrees which I fear I am getting as used to as Bane is to darkness. Sometimes I even catch myself day dreaming like Red Redding (Morgan Freeman) of Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption after he escaped to Mexico, except I dream of long johns, electric blankets and temperature gauges that read above the freezing point.

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