Thats all the complaining I have the energy to type, so now on to the actual weather update!
The current national radar shows the ever-present light blue blotches over the midwest, signifying snow if you haven't been paying attention to the past few maps. The rainy season seems to be in full swing out on the northwest coast, with showers forming off the pacific and moving inland daily. I believe this is the price they pay for winning the super bowl with the "best" fans and being obsessively annoying about it. SERIOUSLY SEATTLE IT"S F***KING ENOUGH ALREADY. YOU DID NOT ACTUALLY HELP OUT ON THE FIELD. I totally lied about complaining, but moving on...
Current Surface analysis shows cloud cover forming along the stationary front moving above the Mountain West. The high pressure system hovering over Montana looks to keep the clear skies we saw today a constant over the next 24 hours. The absence of cloud cover tomorrow will keep temperatures low and the certainty that you will not be able to see for the first 5 minutes after entering a building.
The jet stream forecast shows moderately high speeds over much of the midwest. After last weeks dip into the warm southern winds, the jet stream returns to being fed from the frigid Canadian arctic north. You would think we would at least catch a break from the Canadians after the recent ice hockey competitions in Sochi, but it seems our ability to catch a break is equal to THIS DOG'S ability of catching its toy.
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