Thursday, February 20, 2014

weather Update 2/20/14

The blog returns like this winter full apocalyptic force!  Today marks the second day this week that the combined states of Minnesota and Wisconsin are getting plastered by winter storms.  Here look at the current radar...
That massive storm hovering directly over Eau Claire arrived more than 4 hours ago.  Plus temperatures are in the mid to high twenties so the snow is very heavy, with several tweets from Eau Claire students saying their power lines are down.  Snow does seem better than the tornado warnings sent out to counties ranging from Mississippi all the way to Illinois and Indiana.  
Current analysis shows a large low pressure front moving the storms to the across the Nation.  The hard to identify Iso-bars show the "vortex" of the low pressure system right over Wisconsin.  This is causing swirling winds with gusts topping 25 MPH.  
Currently, my measurements have the snow at right about 6 inches of snow having fallen from this storm, with NO sign of letting up.  I'm hoping that classes are cancelled tomorrow, but I'm not overly optimistic.

In other weather related media I found two interesting Gifs of severe weather.  The first can be related to the weather we are currently experiencing here in Eau Claire, except instead of snow the Hong Kong airport was subjected to a torrential downpour in a matter of seconds.  The gif can be seen HERE.  The second gif is very cool in my opinion, as it hows the exact moment a tornado is formed.  It can be seen at this link HERE.  If you decided to actually click on the link, pay attention to the tree the newly formed tornado demolishes right off the road, boy that driver was lucky!

Check back tomorrow for updates on the final inch count on the snow storm pounding our fair state.

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